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Stuff to fix:

  • Fix that stupid link arrow below the image on join page. Make it only appear for text.
  • Buttons that are any size other than 88x31 are stretched.
  • Condense "resources" page with "our experiences" and "updates"?.
  • Make "glossary" of terms on resources page a separate page, maybe make a page for each individual term when I have 50 hours to kill.
  • Probably switch to SSG so the menu/theme is easier to update lol.
  • There is probably a flash of incorrect color scheme when the pages are loading
  • Self-host and hand-write RSS feed instead of using tumblr? Lmao. It'd be ideal if I could just copy/paste the tumblr RSS to my own site without relying on its hosting.
  • If you know how to fix any of this stuff, let me know. I am just a caveman hammering at code I barely understand.